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Ear Aesthetics

Ear Aesthetics

What’s Ear Aesthetics?

Otoplasty, another name for ear surgery, is a procedure that can enhance the ear’s size, form, or proportion. Otoplasty can be used to fix an ear structural deficiency that develops over time or that is present from birth. Ankle malformations can also be treated with this surgery.

Otoplasty balances and proportionately reshapes the face and ears to a more natural shape. Even small defects can greatly improve one’s appearance and self-esteem when corrected. You might think about having plastic surgery if your child or you are bothered by prominent or disfigured ears.

What do it treat?

An abnormally huge ear ailment known as macrotia
ears that protrude to differing degrees on one or both sides; not linked to hearing loss
Adults not happy with their prior ear surgery


After your bandages are removed, you’ll notice an immediate change in the appearance of your ears. These changes are permanent.


Outcomes are permanent. Patients frequently ask whether the results of an otoplasty stay forever. The size, shape, and location of ear abnormalities will typically be permanently improved after otoplasty surgery; nevertheless, certain modifications may happen with aging or with time.

Before & After


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