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Mommy Makeover

What’s Mommy makeover?

The term “mommy makeover” refers to a customized series of cosmetic treatments that assist women restore or enhance their pre-pregnancy appearance by addressing common effects of aging and childbearing on the face, breasts, and body. Cosmetic surgery, non-surgical therapies, or a mix of the two may be used in mommy makeovers.

What do it treat?

Long-lasting, frequently undesired changes to your appearance might result from pregnancy, including sagging breasts, strained abdominal muscles, and loose, extra skin. When, despite following a nutritious diet and regular exercise, a woman’s physique and breasts do not regain their pre-pregnancy form, many become disappointed. A mommy makeover can help you feel more like yourself by resolving unintended pregnancy changes and regaining the look you want, which will increase your comfort level and self-confidence.

The Procedure:

Pregnancy typically causes a woman’s physique to alter permanently. A typical pregnancy involves a significant weight fluctuation over a brief period of time (nine months). The extent of the uterine growth can be such that the ligament that runs through the center of your six-pack muscle, the Linea Alba, is irreversibly stretched. The condition known as diastasis recti is characterized by increased abdominal circumference correlated with the degree of stretching. Diet and exercise alone will not reduce the increasing circumference. To solve this problem, an abdominoplasty, also known as a stomach tuck, is required.

Many women experience drooping abdominal skin in addition to a rather quick increase in abdominal circumference during pregnancy, which is followed by weight reduction.

skin and tissue encircling their lower abdomen. Furthermore, stretch marks are frequently the result of tears in the skin’s deeper layers during pregnancy. These cannot be reversed, and no topical medication or laser has been shown to be successful in the eyes of academic researchers. Stretch marks diminish and typically lose their striking color over time. They start out dark red or violet in color. In any case, many women find them unpleasant, and excision is the only method to truly get rid of them. Most pregnancy-related stretch marks appear on the lower abdomen, where an abdominoplasty removes the skin and fatty tissue beneath. After a stomach tuck, the amount of visible stretch marks on your belly may significantly decrease.

Gaining more weight after an abdominoplasty will cause further irreparable damage to the remaining abdominal skin, basically undoing the effects of the procedure, as the removal of extra skin tightens the entire abdomen. Therefore, it is advised that before having an abdominoplasty, you be at a stable weight and have not had any noticeable weight swings for at least six months.


The effects of a mommy makeover surgery usually include a thinner appearance, larger, perkier breasts, and a flatter, tighter stomach, depending on the operations performed.


The amount of your treatments and your particular physique are two factors that can affect how long-lasting the results of a Mommy Makeover are. One benefit of surgical therapies is that their effects remain longer—typically for several years to a decade or longer.

Before & After


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