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Therapeutic feeding

Therapeutic feeding

What is therapeutic nutrition?

Therapeutic nutrition is one of the methods that helps obese patients lose weight in the presence of healthy nutritional elements that contribute to reaching the desired goal. Therapeutic nutrition must generally be subject to specialized supervision to distribute the elements appropriately, whether the specialist is a therapeutic nutrition clinic or holds a diploma. Therapeutic nutrition.

Therapeutic nutrition, or clinical nutrition, is a specialty that aims to prevent diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Clinical nutrition depends on providing some foods from which we gain excess weight to protect against diseases. This aims to reduce the person’s weight while ensuring that complications do not occur to the body.

A specialized researcher who holds a master’s degree in clinical nutrition explains: What is known as therapeutic nutrition, healthy nutrition, is not relying on an abundance of food. This is considered a common mistake among many, as there are many researches and studies that have dealt with the section of therapeutic nutrition in detail. It is the appropriate nutrition for the individual with what he needs. Or it is the least amount that our body needs, which contributes to building formation, helps coexistence without feeling an imbalance in the physical and mental formations, and contributes effectively to the therapeutic stages.

However, despite this, there are some people who eat food in quantities that exceed their natural need in general, and this also leads to what is known as gluttony, physical obesity, or weight gain. Therefore, we will review for you how you can rely on appropriate nutrition in the event of excessive obesity, and despite the multiplicity of opinions about the concept of nutrition. Therapeutic nutritionists all rely on the necessity of losing weight without harming the body, and this is clear from the definition of therapeutic nutrition.

Nutrition for diabetics, kidney and colon patients:

Some examples of foods a person with diabetes and chronic kidney disease can eat:
Fruits: berries, grapes, cherries, apples, peaches.
Vegetables: cauliflower, onions, eggplant, turnips.
Proteins: lean meats (poultry, fish), eggs, and unsalted seafood.
Carbohydrates: white bread, unsalted crackers, pasta.
Drinks: water, unsweetened tea.
Healthy nutrition for diabetics with kidney disease

Nutritional plan for kidney patients:

Herbal supplements are not safe for kidney patients, and some vitamins can also harm kidney patients, so a doctor must be consulted before taking any type of them. The nutritional plan for a kidney patient depends on the patient’s condition and whether he is in an advanced or late stage of the disease. Accordingly, it is recommended to limit or avoid certain foods, and it is recommended for a kidney patient to do the following:

Reducing sodium: Over time, the kidney patient gradually loses the ability to balance water and sodium in the body. Therefore, limiting sodium helps lower blood pressure and reduce fluid retention in the body, which is common with kidney patients.
Focus on fresh, home-cooked food, and eat small amounts of restaurant food and packaged foods because they often contain a lot of sodium.
Choose food products that contain less than 5% sodium on their nutritional label.
Replace salt by enhancing flavors with herbs, spices, mustard, and vinegar, and within a week or two the patient will get used to it.
Avoid salt substitutes unless your dietitian recommends it; Many of them contain a very high percentage of potassium, which the patient may need to limit.
Depending on the stage of kidney disease, a patient may also need to reduce potassium, phosphorus, and protein in their diet.
Phosphorus is a mineral in the body that works to strengthen bones and keep many parts of the body healthy, but the body of a kidney patient cannot get rid of the excess amount of it. Which leads to weak bones and damage to blood vessels, eyes and heart.
Kidney patients should limit it. Phosphorus is found in meat, dairy products, beans, nuts, whole-grain bread, and dark soft drinks, and it is also added to many canned foods.
An adequate level of potassium keeps nerves and muscles working well, but with chronic kidney disease, too much potassium can build up in the blood and cause serious heart problems.
Oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, whole-grain bread, and many other foods are high in potassium, but apples, carrots, and white bread contain less potassium.
The appropriate amount of protein must be consumed because the excessive amount of protein leads to an increase in the amount of effort expended by the kidneys to get rid of it and worsens the condition of the chronic kidney patient.

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